Is a Compliment Really a Compliment if it Irks You?

“What’s the best (or rather, worst) backhanded compliment you’ve ever received? If you can’t think of any — when’s the last time someone paid you a compliment you didn’t actually deserve?”

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-The Daily Post


I was at my hair salon a week ago from today getting a trim before I left for college. The salon I go to is extremely small- 3 hair dresser stations and 2 sinks squished together in a short row as soon as you walk through the beige, chipped double doors.  As I was getting my hair washed by the assistant- a 5’2 blonde woman, a little on the heavier side, and perky as can be- began talking about how she was offended from what a customer had said to her earlier. She explained that a regular customer of the salon’s came in and said to her, “Wow, you look so good!” At first, I was confused as to why she was offended. She began justifying herself, saying things such as, “What, did I not look good before?” I could understand where she was coming from, especially because she had been trying to lose weight. However, she was letting her insecurities get in the way of her judgement.

I never put too much thought into when people compliment me, maybe because it doesn’t happen all that often. Maybe it’s just because I’m not the type of person to allow other people’s opinions bother me. We as a society put too much thought into the meaning behind things. Not everyone is like Gretchen Weiners from Mean Girls, “Oh my God. I love that skirt. Where did you get it?” People usually mean what they say, and say what they mean. I realize these are some large generalizations; I’m just trying have hope for our society.

I hope everyone is enjoying back to school season. It’s day 2 of my sophomore year at college and I’m so ecstatic to be back.

Stay fetch,



One thought on “Is a Compliment Really a Compliment if it Irks You?”

  1. I love how you threw the “fetch,” from Mean Girls at the bottom there! I seen you needed advise and pointers. I love your posts. Here, I would have put, “As soon as you walk through the beige, chipped doors you’d view a small salon. One holding 3… etc… That first sentence screams … back button…

    Order of sentences are very important. My teacher told me, once she caught me making this mistake a LOT, that we tend to write the way we speak in our head. For others to comprehend, we must write the opposite of how we speak. It’s hard. Please do not take this as critisizm, I would never critique writing unless asked for.

    I love your posts, again! Or – Again, I love your posts!

    Stay fetch yourself, this is amazing!



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